Cassette Store Day Reissue Tutorial
9.7.13 by Mike Haley


It’s here! Today is Cassette Store Day (known familiarly as #CassetteStoreDay to aficionados). While most are overcome with joy, the less hip amongst us do not live in neighborhoods with Cassette Stores. So what do you do if you find yourself amongst that sad class and unable to purchase the totally gnarly and necessary CSD exclusives like reissues from all of our favorite bands?!? Cue MP Lockwood, ready to drop some straight up cassette SCIENCE on your ass!

This three minute YouTube video will explain how you can conjure up your very own cassette reissue from almost nothing! I know what you’re thinking; “This CAN NOT be reel” (get it?). It may seem like alchemy, or at least internet trickery, but we checked Snopes and it all checks out. Watch here as he pulls an At The Drive In rabbit out of an analog top hat.

Follow him on Twitter: @radioshock