Bernie Sanders Released A Goddamn Cassette
9.18.14 by Mike Haley

bernie large

I’ve always believed that you can judge whether or not a politician is sincere by how fucked up their hair is. If you’re dealing with someone rocking a super-slick, Rod Serling-esque do like Mitt Romney or Darrell Issa then you’re pretty much fucked. But someone who looks like they constantly just exited a Gravitron; That’s the legit shit. Take Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for example. That man always looks like someone just said “Who’s a good boy?” and tousled his head like a golden retriever. If I needed further proof that Sanders was genuine in his Socialist beliefs, some was just unearthed.

As it turns out, back in 1987 when Bernie was Mayor of Burlington, he recorded a cassette tape of folk songs that would make William Shatner blush. The five tracks were released by BurlingTown Recordings and you should grip a taste of them below right NOW.

Our mailing address can be found on the contact page. When you find a copy of this tape, that is where you send it. Do you understand? THAT IS WHERE YOU SEND IT!!