Aidan Baker – Aberration
3.26.18 by Ryan Masteller

Aidan Baker’s been doin’ it, and doin’ it, and doin’ it well for nigh on two decades, at LEAST, even more if you count his musical education, etc., in the years before Nadja. And sure, I do, because I’m looking at his CV, and his application for this office position will LIVE AND DIE on his scholastic preparation. Actually that’s not true – I’m the one interviewing with Mr. Baker, hoping against hope that he reads this and hires me for whatever this job actually is. [Glances at newspaper clipping:] “Personal secretary.” Whatever, it’s not the best, but “a man’s gotta do,” right? Oh god, he could buy and sell me on the stock markets, probably. The DOW and the NASCAR. I’m so nervous.

So I better write some nice things about him here. Let’s see… “Aberration” on Somewherecold Records is a “tour de force” of minimalist guitar experimentation, a “maelstrom” of “restraint” and “texture,” a “classic exploration” down the “rabbit hole” of “ambient soundscape,” a “shining example” of the expressions of “internal wonderment.” An “aberration” in Baker’s mighty catalog? Not on your life. The guitar figures intertwine with the minimal rhythms, merging into complex tonal structures and seeping into the atmosphere. There’s so much mood I can feel it in my butt. Or that might still be the nerves.

And look, I hope nobody thinks this is a conflict of interest, because it’s totally not.

What would it take for you to buy one of these 50 hand-numbered (!) tapes? I can come to your house and hand-deliver one if you like. See Aidan? I’m good worker!