Hear the unreleased Narwhalz (of Sound) tape that’s been fermenting for a decade
1.15.18 by Mike Haley

Unclear if POM REDNECK SNOOPY:A side was in a mason jar, maturing like a fucked up Kombucha goblin or not. Maybe it was stashed at the last known Blockbuster behind a copy of Bee Movie, which was released in 2007 when “Pom Redneck Snoopy” was recorded. I don’t know why it never came out, or where it’s been for a decade, or how it was found. I don’t know how Tiger Woods was convinced to do the intro. I don’t know what the Tetris score was after Narwhalz surfed on that Gameboing something nasty. And I didn’t bother asking Brian Blomerth either. This is what we know from the Soundcloud summary:

A side of Unreleased Narwhalz (of Sound)Tape from 2007. Two gameboys straight to DAT in the Pom Hole, Richmond, VA.

Cover depicts my favorite memories from that era. Mainly getting thrown in the trash at the end of a set.

Also…I’m giving the Narwhalz name and gear (two gameboys) to any kid that wants to take up the mantle. They can be Narwhalz from now on. If you want your little sister to have a horrible time in her 20s. Tell her to be Narwhalz. All you have to do is send me a message but she’s gotta drink my favorite drink with me. (Listerine and Four Loko)

Damn. Listen to this shit before Soundcloud isn’t a thing anymore, then become Narwhalz! Damn.