Corsica Annex – Fluid Electric
1.2.18 by Ryan Masteller

Yeah, this is stupid, but we’ve only gotten around to writing about Corsica Annex AFTER the posting of the only year-end extravaganza in town, the gloriously complete and not nearly hyped enough Tabs Out “Top 200 Tapes of 2017.” But hey, when life hands you lemons, you punch life in the face and scream, “I don’t like lemons!” Corsica Annex’s “Fluid Electric” clocks in at number 121, and if I had anything to say about it, it would’ve been a lot higher. But I’m just a hired monkey, so here I go clicky-clacking about the “blurst of times” while you scratch your head trying to figure out what a “Cabo Boing” is. (Don’t scratch too long, you should actually go find out – it’s pretty great stuff.)

Proving every scientist in the world wrong, Corsica Annex combines the two most dangerous things to mix together, electricity and water – even more dangerous than gasoline and an igniting signal flare – and not only survives the encounter but actually produces one of the more compelling musical recordings documenting said unholy interaction. As any sane person knows, we like our tapes around here to be full of burbling synthesizer, and it feels like old Corsica took a bucket of water and dumped it all over his synth rig, resulting in a viscous slime bubbling from the smoldering remains. That slime cools, calms itself, turns blue, continues to burble, becomes sentient, leaves Earth. Just like the prophecies foretold.

This dream I’m having while being engulfed by “Fluid Electric” is impossible to pin down. I’m either a whale passing through tropical ocean shallows or a whale passing through a nebula birthing a million stars. Either way I’m a whale, I think. Nope, can’t pin it down. It’s like I’m passing through my own mind, a weird space-whale tourist on vacation from whatever reality weird space-whales inhabit when their minds aren’t pumped full of hallucinogens. Or is it my reality? Hey, space-whale, are you you or me? What would you do if I gave you some lemons right now?

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